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New Memberships

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Membership Benefits


Qualifies HFNA members for special ornamental shipping rates for small packages through FedEx and helps to resolve logistical issues.

Examples of FedEx Savings:

Box Size







50 lbs

40 lbs

33 lbs

30 lbs

5 lbs

Economy 2-Day






Priority Overnight






Bulk Purchase savings

receive buollk purchase pricing on boxes, sleeving and educational materials (Posters, brochures and guides) that our industry needs to insure quality product and consistent supplies.

Examples of Box Savings: A shipper with annual sales of $100,000 has weekly sales of approximately$2,000. For a gift box shipper, selling a gift box at $100 this would be 20 giftboxes a week. With the HTFC Box program you would be saving approximately$0.50 a box. At 20 boxes a week, this would give you an annual savings of $520. This is just an example.

Research & Development

University of Hawaii breeding programs and other research efforts for the floriculture and ornamental industry.


Educational opportunities to help members understand the many issues that Hawaii growers face using workshops, training programs, multimedia, conferences and trade shows.

Legislative & Regulatory

Represents Hawaii agriculture business interests on Legislative and Regulatory issues regarding floriculture and ornamentals (Federal, State, and County.)

Government and University Support

Direct avenue to resources provided by the University of Hawaii, Hawaii Department of Agriculture, United States Department of Agriculture, the Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation and counties statewide.

Strengthen Industry

HFNA programs are directed at promoting and protecting our members’ business interests. Through working together HFNA’s goal is to strengthen the industry and unify our members to insure that Hawaii will remain a very key and special producer of a wide range of agricultural products, which are in high demand locally, nationally and internationally.

Marketing & Promotion

Comprehensive promotion and marketing campaign utilizing private and public resources which benefit our well- being for our collective industry. Work with HTFC on promotion, marketing and grant process.


Administrative support for the organization and the industry providing current information to the membership.

Scholarships & Endowments

Work with University of Hawaii Foundation (UHF) to enhance and grow the HFSA Scholarship Endowment for awarding to UH/CTAHR, UHH and Community College.


Annual social events for members and guests of HFNA. Work on an annual January event for members and the industry. Also work on Kauai Farm Fair, Hawaii Department of Agriculture’s Made in Hawaii Festival, Maui Youth and Family Service, and work with Hawaii Visitor & Convention Bureau and Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation on annual events to encourage collaboration with commodity organizations and their special programs or events as well.

Hawaii Farm Bureau Federation (HFBF) "Friend of Farmer" Member Benefits

View Health Benefits View Home and Farm Benefits View Travel and Family Fun benefits

County Specific Benefits
+ Oahu: Discount at mililani Mortuary pre-need

+ Kauai: Gaspro, BEI, PS&D Napa Parts Center, Educational programs and out of state travel, Kauai Irrigation, Growing Greens Nursery, Harper Car & Truck Rental, Kauai Commercial Trucking, Kauai Nursery & Landscaping

+ Maui: ISI Irrigation System Inc, Marmac Ace Hardware, Gaspro, EKO Compost, pacific Machinery, Standard Motors & Marine Supplies, united Auto Parts/NAPA - Kahului

+ Big Island:Bacon Universal, BEI, Eyewear Hawaii, Garden Exchange, Gaspro, Hawaii Agricultural Products & Services, Hilo Farmers’ Exchange, Hookena Nursery,Pacific Machinery, NAPA Parts Center, Renew Hawaii Compost

contact us

P.O. Box 5640 Hilo, Hawaii 96720