
Mission Statement

The purpose of the Hawaii Floriculture and Nursery Association is to Enhance its members’ business success through enactment of laws to advance the common business interests of the members, education, marketing, research, and services; b) To encourage and promote the betterment of conditions that will create and sustain an economically viable flower and plan industry; and c) To promote the growing and exporting of Hawaii flowers and plants.

Board of Directors

President | Eric Tanouye

Green Point Nurseries | 808-959-3535 | gpn@greenpointnursery.com

Vice President | Chad Matsushima

Alluvion, Inc | 808-637-8835 | cmatsushima12@gmail.com

Secretary | Charles Bostwick

Pacific TransPlants | 808-987-4770 | Pacifictransplants@gmail.com

Treasurer | Ken Ogawa

Nutrien Ag Solutions | 808-935-7191 Ext 205 | ken.ogawa@nutrien.com

Allied Industries Division | Kekoa Aiu

Rengo Packaging, Inc. | 808-225-4238 | kekoa.aiu@rengopackaging.com

Cut Flower Division | Alison Higgins

Grace Flowers Hawaii | 808-443-6953 | graceflowershawaii@gmail.com

Foliage Division | Joshua McClung

big island plantworks | 808-345-5400 | josh@hgnellc.com

Landscaping & Plants Division | Elton Mow

Orchid Plantation | 808-965-6295 | orchidplantation@gmail.com

Orchid Division | Thong Teng Neo

Vantanage Nursery | 808-938-1898 | neo@greenpointnursery.com

Hawaii Chapter | Gordon Inouye

Puna flower power | 808-987-5109 | gordoninouye@gmail.com

Kauai Chapter | John Gordines

Kauai Flowers | 808-651-9711 | gordines@kauaiflowers.com

Maui Chapter | Matt keiley

Heilani Farms | 808-280-0246 | bj4flowers@aol.com

Oahu Chapter | Kathleen Yoshinaga

Kathleen Enterprises | 808-533-2348 | k.yoshinaga@yahoo.com

standing committee

Administration | Charlie Bostwick, Chair

Legislative | Eric Tanouye, Co-Chair | Johnny Gordines, Co-Chair

Marketing & PromotioN | Gordon Inouye, Chair | Dawn Kitagawa | Josh McClung |Kathleen Yoshinaga

Membership & Elections | Chad Matsushima, Chair

Public Relations & Communications | Kathleen Yoshinaga, Chair

Regulatory | John Gordines, Chair

Research & Development & Education | Elton Mow, co-Chair & Thong Teng Neo, co-chair

Transportation | Thong Teng Neo, Chair

Website | Alison Higgins, Chair

contact us

P.O. Box 5640 Hilo, Hawaii 96720
